Meet the partners: Toyota Motor Europe

Meet the partners: Toyota Motor Europe

Meet the partner: Dr. Magdalena Coventry of Toyota Motor Europe Can you shortly introduce yourself and your role in the HyInHeat project? We are part of Toyota Motor Europe Production Engineering Innovation Department. Our team is responsible for early-stage...
Meet the partners: CEIT

Meet the partners: CEIT

Meet the partner: Dr. Amaia Iza-Mendia and Jon Etxeberria Can you shortly introduce yourself and your role in the HyInHeat project? Role of Researcher in the project, Category A – Top Grade Reseacher, Leading and Team member Dr. Amaia Iza-Mendia Role: Project Leading...
Meet the partners: Thermal Ceramics UK

Meet the partners: Thermal Ceramics UK

Meet the partner: Dr Robin Mottram of Thermal Ceramics Can you shortly introduce yourself and your role in the HyInHeat project? Dr Robin Mottram, Global Lead Low Carbon technology Thermal Ceramics.  I have 20 years experience in developing refractories and running...
Meet the partners: CELSA Nordic

Meet the partners: CELSA Nordic

Meet the partner: Susanne M. Naevermo-Sand of Celsa Nordic Can you shortly introduce yourself and your role in the HyInHeat project? Susanne M. Naevermo-Sand is the Head of Sustainability & Strategy of CELSA Nordic. Susanne has a degree in Mining Engineering...
Meet the partners: BEFESA

Meet the partners: BEFESA

Meet the partner: Juan Castrillo of Befesa Alumnio Can you shortly introduce yourself and your role in the HyInHeat project? I am Juan Castrillo, Chemical Engineer by  the University of Valladolid (SPAIN). I joined  the R&D department of Befesa Aluminio in 2017,...