Meet the partners: Thermal Ceramics UK

Meet the partners: Thermal Ceramics UK

Meet the partner: Dr Robin Mottram of Thermal Ceramics Can you shortly introduce yourself and your role in the HyInHeat project? Dr Robin Mottram, Global Lead Low Carbon technology Thermal Ceramics.  I have 20 years experience in developing refractories and running...
Meet the partners: CELSA Nordic

Meet the partners: CELSA Nordic

Meet the partner: Susanne M. Naevermo-Sand of Celsa Nordic Can you shortly introduce yourself and your role in the HyInHeat project? Susanne M. Naevermo-Sand is the Head of Sustainability & Strategy of CELSA Nordic. Susanne has a degree in Mining Engineering...
Meet the partners: Sarralle

Meet the partners: Sarralle

Meet the partner: Itsaso Auzmendi-Murua of SARRALLE  Can you shortly introduce yourself and your role in the HyInHeat project? I am Itsaso Auzmendi-Murua, the Hydrogen Business Line Manager at SARRALLE Environment & Energy, based in Spain. I studied Chemical...
Meet the partners: SICK

Meet the partners: SICK

Meet the partner: Moritz Siegfried of SICK Can you shortly introduce yourself and your role in the HyInHeat project? I am Moritz Siegfried, Head of Product Management – Hydrogen at SICK. So I am globally responsible for all our offerings related to hydrogen. Our focus...
Meet the partners: BEFESA

Meet the partners: BEFESA

Meet the partner: Juan Castrillo of Befesa Alumnio Can you shortly introduce yourself and your role in the HyInHeat project? I am Juan Castrillo, Chemical Engineer by  the University of Valladolid (SPAIN). I joined  the R&D department of Befesa Aluminio in 2017,...
Meet the partners: NTNU

Meet the partners: NTNU

Meet the partner: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)   Can you shortly introduce yourself? We are Nicola Paltrinieri (Professor of risk analysis; Responsible person from Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Daniel B. Müller...