D2.1 – Impact of H2 heating on product quality, yield, and refractory

This report investigates the influence of H2 on product quality, efficiency and refractories. Led by the University of Oulu, several HyInHeat partners investigated promising refractories through laboratory tests and thermodynamic calculations, the effect of H2 on scale formation and the impact of H2 on STEELS and TCUK refractories, among others.


Henri Pauna, Juho Haapakangas, Xabier Zapirain Sesma, Yáiza Montaña González, Amaia Iza-Mendia, Olaya Laviana Quintas, Beatriz Pérez Polo, Jon Etxeberria Uranga, Andreas Buchholz, Daniel Krings, Detlef Mackenstedt, Thorsten Tonnesen, Tobias Tillmann, Giovanni Curedda, Robin Mottram

Leading organisation: University of Oulu (OULU)

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