BEFESA’s vision
Befesa aims to be the global leader in the management and recycling of hazardous residues to the steel and aluminium industries by continuing to play a growing role in a more sustainable world and the circular economy.
BEFESA’s strategy
Befesa focuses on achieving its goals by developing improvements in existing technologies, optimising operations and product quality, and increasing efficiency whilst investing in organic growth and scaling up its proven business model into new and emerging markets.
BEFESA’s business
Befesa’s business is to provide sustainable solutions to the steel and aluminium industries through servicing and recycling hazardous residues generated in the value chains of secondary steel and aluminium producers. Befesa focuses its core efforts on recycling hazardous residues: crude steel dust, salt slags and SPL. Befesa has been a part of the circular economy for more than three decades.
Meet the partner
I am Juan Castrillo, Chemical Engineer by the University of Valladolid (SPAIN). I joined the R&D department of Befesa Aluminio in 2017, focusing my professional career on research projects based on the aluminum recycling process and hydrogen as an alternative energy source.
During the HyInHeat project development, I lead the furnace retrofitting, start up and validation trials to demonstrate the use of hydrogen as an alternative of natural gas.