Meet the partner:
Joaquín de Diego Rincón of Nippon Gases Spain

Can you shortly introduce yourself and your role in the HyInHeat project?
My name is Joaquín de Diego Rincón, director Combustion Applications Europe at Nippon Gases España. I am the focal point for the HyInHeat project within Nippon Gases and responsible for the steel and aluminium markets in Europe.
How did Nippon Gases España get involved in the HyInHeat project?
As a technology provider for Oxy-fuel combustion in general, and more specifically for oxy-hydrogen combustion, our company was asked to support several partners in the HyInHeat project to develop the necessary integrated oxy-combusting systems, including hardware, software and safety advice.
How do you see the added value of HyInHeat for Nippon Gases España?
The HyInHeat project will allow Nippon Gases España to expand our technology portfolio to face the use of hydrogen as a potential new fuel in the short and medium future. And at the same time, it allows us to be in close contact with our customers and with universities as generators of new knowledge.
What is the role of Nippon Gases España in the HyInHeat project?
Nippon Gases España will support the consortium in the modifications needed to make the current systems suitable for using hydrogen as a new fuel. We will do this by working on the necessary equipment and process modifications, as well as designing the necessary infrastructure for the use of hydrogen. Finally, Nippon Gases España will develop and supply new burners and safety control systems for the use of hydrogen in the aluminium and steel production process.
What do you hope to achieve by the end of the project?
I hope we can show the market that the consortium has successfully developed a technology that will enable aluminium and steel production to use hydrogen as a fuel when it becomes available on the market in the required quantities and at the required cost.
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