Meet the partner:
Daniel Mira of Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Can you shortly introduce yourself and your role in the HyInHeat project?
I am Daniel Mira, leader of the Propulsion Technologies Group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. My role in HyInHeat is to coordinate the technical activities of our institution in the project and contribute to the model developments that are required in the project. In particular, my work is focused on the simulations of hydrogen flames, but also contributing to the development of the digital tools in the project.
How did the Barcelona Supercomputing Center get involved in the HyInHeat project?
We are supporting the digitalization and decarbonization strategies of our industrial partner Celsa Group through the generation of digital models. This project brings the opportunity to join our activities with other companies and technology centers to be more ambitious in our scope and extend our tools to other applications.
How do you see the added value of HyInHeat for the Barcelona Supercomputing Center?
Barcelone Supercomputing Center has large experience in the field of computational sciences and in particular, it has developed a High-Performance Computing (HPC)–based platform for the simulation of hydrogen combustion in industrial applications. This tool can be considered an asset in HyInHeat as it allows to perform high-fidelity simulations of real systems in reasonable amount of time using supercomputing architectures.
What is the role of Barcelona Supercomputing Center in the HyInHeat project?
The role of our team in the HyInHeat project is to conduct high-fidelity simulations and develop digital models of the hydrogen burners before they are installed on the plant. This digital platform can be used by the companies to make decisions, reducing the complex and experimental testing and optimizing the operation of the system.
What do you hope to achieve by the end of the project?
We hope to develop digital models that are accurate, robust and flexible that can help our partners to make the final integration of hydrogen into the furnaces and reduce the carbon footprint of these energy-intensive industrial processes.
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