HyInHeat researches the use of hydrogen in aluminum and steel industry
HyInHeat will integrate hydrogen as fuel for high temperature heating processes in the energy intensive industries.
About HyInHeat
HyInHeat realizes the implementation of efficient hydrogen combustion systems to decarbonize heating and melting processes of the aluminum and steel sectors, covering almost their complete process chains. To reach this overarching objective within the project, furnace and equipment such as burners or measurement and control technology but also infrastructure is redesigned, modified and implemented in eight demonstrators at technical centers and industrial plants.
HyInHeat is structured around 8 work packages, each focused on a specific set of activities to achieve the project’s overall objectives. The work packages include research and development activities, demonstration and validation of technologies, and dissemination and exploitation of results.
WP 1: Process analysis and retrofitting requirements
In this work package, the focus is on establishing a clear baseline and definition of the demonstrators that will be used in WP5/6. The goal is to gain a thorough understanding of the needs of the industrial users involved in the project. This will require a multidisciplinary approach that considers the technical, economic, and social aspects of the project.
The work package will also involve identifying the specific problems that need to be solved and the requirements that need to be optimized within the project. This will involve working closely with the industrial partners to ensure that the project meets their needs and addresses their specific challenges.
Overall, the goal of this work package is to provide a strong foundation for the project by establishing a clear understanding of the needs and requirements of the industrial partners, which will allow for effective modification and redesign in subsequent work packages.
WP Leader: Tecnalia
WP 2: Modification and redesign of equipment and processes
This work package is focused on supporting the development of hydrogen (H2) heating processes on various critical paths. The goal is to verify the quality of the products being produced and ensure that the resources being used are efficient. This work will involve making changes to the off-gas systems, modifying heating equipment to support air and oxygen-enhanced combustion, and developing a framework for full furnace simulations. These efforts will provide important information that will be used in the implementation of the demonstrators and the retrofit/greenfield studies in WP5/6.
WP Leader: Linde
WP 3: Design of safe and efficient H2 and O2 infrastructure
The main objective of this work package is to produce engineering documentation for the preliminary design of a safe and efficient infrastructure that includes the production, storage, and distribution of H2 and O2 (in the case of oxyfuel) to the point of use within the project. This documentation will serve as a basis for the execution design documentation in WP5/6, which will be necessary for the procurement, realization, and commissioning of the demonstrators.
WP Leader: Politecnico Milano (Polimi)
WP 4: Instrumentation and algorithms for measurement and control
The main goal of WP4 is focused on developing instrumentation and algorithms to optimize the H2 combustion processes through on-line process control and monitoring of NOx emissions. This will help with emission reduction and reporting in WP5/6, and also provide a basis for evaluating NOx limits in WP7 and standardization efforts in WP8.
WP Leader: SICK
WP 5: Demonstration of H2 heating solutions in aluminium production processes
This work package (WP) is focused on demonstrating the use of H2 heating in the aluminium sector, and covers the entire process chain to showcase the potential benefits for a low-carbon industry. The technologies developed in WPs 1-4 will be applied to the demonstrators in this WP, in order to provide comprehensive results for the evaluation and dissemination activities in WP7/8. The main goal is to show the feasibility and effectiveness of using H2 heating in the aluminium industry, and to provide valuable data for the evaluation and dissemination of the project results.
WP Leader: GHI Smart Furnaces
WP 6: Demonstration of H2 heating solutions in steel production processes
This WP is dedicated to the demonstration of H2 heating in the steel sector and covering the whole downstream process chain to prove the potential benefit for a low-carbon industry. A greenfield study for reheating will complement to the retrofitting actions. Technologies developed in WPs 1-4 are applied to the demonstrators to provide comprehensive results for the evaluation and dissemination activities in WP7/8.
WP Leader: Celsa Nordic
WP 7: Evaluation of greenfield and retrofitting solutions
This work package (WP) aims to assess the potential impact of the H2 heating technologies developed in the project on the decarbonization of the steel and aluminium sectors in the EU, as well as to identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be used to evaluate the benefits of these technologies. The project will explore different scenarios for the implementation of H2 heating technologies, taking into account factors such as the availability of renewable energy sources, the costs of the technologies, and the policy frameworks that are in place. The results of this WP will be used to inform industry and policymakers about the potential benefits and challenges of implementing H2 heating technologies in different contexts.
WP Leader: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
WP 8: Communication, policy and exploitation
The tasks of this work package aim to develop and implement an effective communication and dissemination plan to maximize the impact of the HyInHeat project. This includes identifying and engaging with stakeholders and presenting the project and its results to a broad audience and relevant target groups. The regulatory and market frameworks will also be analyzed, and policy recommendations formulated. The standardization of NOx emission levels will also be addressed. The overall goal is to ensure that the knowledge and results generated by the project are widely disseminated and lead to a broad adoption of H2 heating technologies in industry and policymaking.
WP Leader: EGEN
WP 9: Project coordination, management and reporting
The objective of this WP is to guarantee an efficient and effective technical, financial, and administrative management of the HyInHeat project. The specific objectives are: (a) to manage the project work and to monitor the progress towards the overall objectives of the project, ensuring that the project results are achieved in an integrated and timely fashion within the agreed budget, (b) to ensure effective cooperation and communication between consortium members as well as communication with external stakeholders, (c) to ensure timely and adequate reporting to the European Commission.
WP Leader: RWTH Aachen University
Facts & Figures
1. The HyInHeat project is a European Union-funded initiative, with a total budget of €24 million.
2. The project aims to promote the adoption of hydrogen as a fuel source for high temperature heating processes in energy-intensive industries, such as the steel and aluminium sector.
3. The project consortium consists of 30 partners from 12 countries across Europe, including universities, research institutions, and industry partners.
4. The project will run for 4 years, from 1st of January 2023 to 31st of December 2026.
5. The adoption of hydrogen as a fuel source for high temperature heating processes has the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency in energy-intensive industries, which account for a significant share of global carbon emissions.